Book Fairs

Mindanao Book Fair to be held in March

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Mindanao Book Fair to be held in March
PRESS RELEASE: Set to be held in Davao City, the fair aims to promote the love for reading to the Mindanao public

The following is a press release from Primetrade Asia.

The Mindanao Book Fair will be held from March 17 to 19 at the Activity Center, Abreeza Mall, at JP Laurel Avenue, Bajada, in Davao City.

The fair aims to promote the love for reading to the Mindanao public. With a wide assortment of books from bestsellers and religious books to textbooks and educational materials under one roof, the fair hopes to be the gathering of bookworms of all ages and walks of life, and to celebrate the written and digital word along with the knowledge each book provides.

Some of the participating companies joining the fair are 8 Letters Bookstore and Publishing, ABC Educational Development Center Children’s Books, Bookquick Marketing, Brilliant Creations Publishing, C&E Adaptive Learning Solutions, Einfobase Book Trading, Milflores Publishing, Mind Mover Publishing House, Mind Tools, Phoenix Educational Systems, Rex Education, The Ramakrishna Vedanta Society of the Philippines, Vibal Group, Wiseman’s Books Trading, and more.

The fair is organized by Primetrade Asia and is supported by the National Book Development Board and the Book Development Association of the Philippines. For more information, email or call 09177413636. –

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