Philippines to shut 175 offshore gambling firms, deport 40,000 Chinese workers


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Philippines to shut 175 offshore gambling firms, deport 40,000 Chinese workers
The Department of Justice says the deportation of Chinese POGO workers will start in October

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippines will stop operations of 175 offshore gambling firms and deport about 40,000 Chinese workers, a justice department official said on Monday, September 26, part of a crackdown on the notoriously opaque online gaming industry.

The sector emerged in the Philippines in 2016 and grew exponentially, as operators capitalized on the country’s liberal gaming laws to target customers in China, where gambling is banned.

At their peak, Philippine offshore gambling operators, or POGOs, employed more than 300,000 Chinese workers, but the pandemic and higher taxes have forced many to operate elsewhere.

“The crackdown was triggered by reports of murder, kidnapping, and other crimes committed by Chinese nationals against fellow Chinese nationals,” justice department spokesperson Jose Dominic Clavano said.

The POGOs targeted for closure had licenses that either expired or were revoked, for violations like non-payment of government fees, Clavano said, adding the deportation of the Chinese workers would start next month.

The government generated P7.2 billion ($122.21 million) in 2020 and P3.9 billion last year in POGO fees alone, according to the finance department. Economists estimate considerably larger amounts are being spent on taxes, workers’ spending, and office rental.

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China’s embassy in Manila in a statement said Beijing supports the deportation and crackdown on POGO-related crimes, adding the government “firmly opposes and takes tough measures to combat gambling.”

The Philippine regulator, which recently said there were 30 licensed POGO firms versus 60 before the pandemic, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Real estate consultancy Leechiu Property Consultants estimates that a complete exit of the POGO industry would leave vacant 1.05 million square meters (259 acres) of office space – a third of the size of New York’s Central Park – and P8.9 billion ($151 million) in foregone annual rent.

The sector employs 201,000 Chinese and 111,000 Filipinos, according to Leechiu’s data, which estimates POGOs deliver P190 billion ($3.22 billion) to the economy each year, a boon to the property and retail sectors. – Rappler.com

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