Love and Relationships

WATCH: Lovebirds Bob and Cynthia
WATCH: Lovebirds Bob and Cynthia
Both widowed in their 50s, Bob and Cynthia were looking for someone to share the latter half of their lives with. They found each other – and the world of birds – in the process.

MANILA, Philippines – Birder couple Bob and Cynthia Kaufman have been watching and photographing birds for the past 20 years, or for as long as they have been married.

Both widowed in their 50s, Bob and Cynthia were looking for someone to share the latter half of their lives with, someone who knew what grief feels like.

At first, they wrote to each other online after matching on a dating site. Bob was in Los Angeles, while Cynthia was in Manila. They married in the United States a year later.

Time went by swiftly; they are now in their 70s. Cynthia asks if 20 years together is now considered a long time. 

They have traveled to different parts of the world, looking at and taking pictures of birds. When not traveling, they go out every Saturday to visit nearby parks and open spaces.

Bob’s bird list is now at around 1,300 species. Cynthia accompanies him to be his eyes and ears – his helpmate during bird-watching. 

“At the very beginning, we didn’t make difficult demands,” said Cynthia. 

They’ve found that love the second time around is much simpler.

Watch their story here. –

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