Department of Tourism

DOT moves to cut ties with DDB Philippines after tourism rebrand mess

Ralf Rivas

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DOT moves to cut ties with DDB Philippines after tourism rebrand mess
The Department of Tourism says it will exercise its right to forfeit the performance security of DDB Philippines

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of Tourism (DOT) has taken the first step toward terminating its ties with DDB Philippines, the advertising agency that used videos from other countries for the “Love the Philippines” rebranding campaign.

The DOT on Monday, July 3, said that DDB Philippines’ use of stock videos reflected a failure to comply with its obligations in the P49-million contract.

“As DDB Philippines has publicly apologized, taken full responsibility, and admitted in no uncertain terms that non-original materials were used in their [audio-visual presentation], reflecting an abject failure to comply with their obligation/s under the contract and a direct contravention with the DOT’s objectives for the enhanced tourism branding, the DOT hereby exercises its right to proceed with termination proceedings against its contract with DDB,” the DOT said in a message to reporters.

DDB Philippines earlier emphasized that the video was meant for internal use and was only a “mood video.” The DOT has yet to respond to inquiries as to who authorized the publication of the internal video.

The advertising agency said that while the use of stock footage is “standard practice” in the industry, the use of foreign stock footage was an unfortunate oversight and was “highly inappropriate.”

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The DOT added that no payments had been made to DDB Philippines, and it will exercise its right to forfeit the performance security as a result of default in obligations under the contract. It also noted that it has the right to review standards of performance or lack thereof in light of any claims for payment or any other engagement.

“Further, the DOT reserves the right to take all other action against acts deemed inimical to the interest of Philippine tourism,” the DOT said.

The advertising agency has yet to release a statement.

DDB Philippines is part of DDB Group Philippines, an award-winning integrated marketing communications company. The group has handled some of the DOT’s previous campaigns, as well as those of other government agencies. –

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.