2022 PH local races

Magalong secures second term as Baguio mayor

Sherwin de Vera

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Magalong secures second term as Baguio mayor
The retired police general wins by more than 17,000 votes over former mayor and congressman Mauricio Domogan, his closest rival in the race

BAGUIO CITY, Philippines – Baguio City mayor Benjamin Magalong will serve a second term after beating three other candidates for the city’s top post.

He got 70,342 votes while his closest rival, former mayor and congressman Mauricio Domogan, obtained 53,196 votes.

Magalong’s running mate, Faustino Olowan, will continue to lead the city council in his second term as vice mayor.

The retired police general touted his administration’s COVID-19 response as his top achievement in his first term. Good governance beyond political leanings has been his rallying call during the campaign.

Magalong pledged to pursue his promise to make Baguio “a safer, smarter, and more sustainable place to live in, to work for, and to bequeath for our children and theirs.”

“A better Baguio – that is what our shared duty will endeavor to accomplish in shared fulfillment with everyone. Without letup, done with honor and dignity, and confident of being truly worthy of your faith,” the mayor added.

His leadership during his first term was not without controversy. Among the issues raised was his alleged double standards in implementing COVID-19 guidelines against politicians and celebrities entering the city.

Several personalities from Baguio also criticized Magalong for awarding the original proponent status to SM Prime Holdings for the market redevelopment project instead of pushing for a partnership with the consortium of market cooperatives.

Magalong, however, was also credited for standing up against baseless red-tagging in his city. – Rappler.com

Sherwin De Vera is a Luzon-based journalist and an awardee of the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship.

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