2022 Philippine Elections

The role of PPCRV: Education for responsible voting

Lorenz Pasion

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The role of PPCRV: Education for responsible voting
The PPCRV has launched countless voter education programs, conducted election monitoring operations, and developed other innovative tools to help voters have an informed decision in each election since 1992

MANILA, Philippines – Since the start of the election period, the Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) has made several election-related activities to help voters be more informed about the elections.

Last year, the PPCRV launched its voter education program where they provided five modules and 16 trainer guides on “good citizenship values,” which can be found in the Constitution. They also launched forums in November last year for the said program. 

This year, the PPCRV rekindles its partnership with AMA Education System for its election monitoring operations. It also partnered with Smart in a nationwide call for youth poll volunteers.

Here’s what you need to know about the PPCRV, which has now worked for three decades for clean and honest elections.

What is the PPCRV?

According to their website, the PPCRV is a national parish-based political but non-partisan lay movement established in 1991 during the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines supported PPCRV in November of the same year causing nationwide launches in other dioceses.

The late cardinal Jaime Cardinal Sin and public servant Haydee Yorac founded the PPCRV for the 1992 national and local elections. The Commission on Elections (Comelec) first accredited PPCRV as its citizen’s arm in February 1992 for organizing coordinating councils. 

Since then, the PPCRV has become a trusted partner of the Comelec, with the latter giving the former accreditation in every election. 

What is the role of the PPCRV in elections?

The PPCRV’s main role in the elections is anchored in its mission of ensuring clean and honest elections. Every election, it launches voter education programs to help voters be more informed. 

It also serves as a poll watchdog that ensures that the election results (ERs) are accurate. PPCRV’s 350,000-strong volunteers will help in picking up election returns from some 106,000 clustered polling precincts. 

The ERs will be delivered to the command center in UST where they will be encoded by volunteers for ten days. 

Throughout the years, PPCRV also made several new approaches to adapt and widen its reach to new and younger voters. 

In 2010, they developed a Poll Watchers Guide that was used in subsequent elections. In the 2016 national elections, PPCRV volunteers developed One Good Vote app to help Filipinos get to know their candidates more. They also partnered with Rappler for the #PHVoteWatch map that crowdsources cases of vote-buying and selling, campaign offenses, and election-related violence.

The PPCRV also made an online voter education course in 2019. For the 2022 elections, PPCRV refines their previous modules and focused on the 16 values (Faith in God, Unity, Patriotism, Work, Respect for Life, Respect for Law and Government, Truth, Justice, Independence, Democracy, Love, Freedom, Equality, Peace, Promotion of the Common Good, Concern for the Family and Future Generations) enshrined in the Constitution.

Interested volunteers may directly coordinate with the PPCRV coordinator in their parish. 

Aside from poll watching, PPCRV volunteers can also choose to do other activities that the organization has: Voter’s Education; Voters’ List Cleansing and Verification; Voters’ Assistance Desk; Election Monitoring System Encoders; Logistics for Food and Supplies; and Transportation and Communications, among others.

Visit www.ppcrv.org to know more about PPCRV and its mission. – Rappler.com

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Lorenz Pasion


Lorenz Pasion

Lorenz Pasion is a researcher at Rappler and a member of its fact-check team that debunks false claims that spread on social media.