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Filipinos divided on Maharlika Investment Fund’s benefits – SWS

James Patrick Cruz

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Filipinos divided on Maharlika Investment Fund’s benefits – SWS

WAITING. Commuters waiting for jeeps, buses at Philcoa, Quezon City, on March 6, 2023, during the weeklong transport strike. File photo by Jire Carreon/Rappler

Jire Carreon/Rappler

SWS says that 51% of Filipinos expect little or no benefit from Maharlika Investment Fund, while 46% believed that it would bring substantial benefits

MANILA, Philippines – Filipinos are divided on whether the controversial Maharlika Investment Fund (MIF) will benefit the country, the recent Social Weather Stations Survey (SWS) found.

SWS said that 51% of Filipinos expect little or no benefit from MIF, while 46% believed that it would much benefit them. The sampling error margins for this survey are ±2.8% for national percentages, ±5.7% each for Metro Manila, Balance Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao.

The poll also shows that there seems to be a lack of awareness about MIF as only 20% of Filipinos said they were sufficiently informed about the proposed measure.

Meanwhile, a plurality of respondents at 47% said they have almost no knowledge or no knowledge at all about the MIF bill and 33% said they have only a little knowledge about it.

SWS also noticed that those who have “extensive knowledge” about MIF tend to expect benefits from the fund.

Respondents with extensive knowledge about the MIF showed the highest net expected benefit at +58, with 78% believing it would result in significant benefits and only 20% expecting little or no benefit.

Meanwhile, those with only a little knowledge or almost no knowledge about the MIF showed a negative net expected benefit, indicating skepticism regarding its potential advantages.

To get the net expected benefit, the SWS formula is percentage will benefit very much/much minus percentage will benefit a little/not benefit at all, correctly rounded.

The respondents were also asked: “How much or little is your confidence that the MWF will not end up in corruption once it is approved by Congress?”

Results indicated a mixed response, with 31% expressing high confidence and 29% admitting to having little confidence in its integrity. Meanwhile, 38% remained undecided.

Similar to the net expected benefit, confidence levels in the fund’s resistance to corruption were higher among those with greater knowledge about it.

Respondents with extensive knowledge and partial but sufficient knowledge exhibited higher net confidence, suggesting that understanding the details of the fund instilled more trust in its ability to avoid corruption.

SWS conducted the survey from March 26 to 29, using face-to-face interviews with 1,200 adults nationwide.

MIF is inspired by the sovereign wealth fund of other countries in Asia, such as Singapore and Hong Kong. This measure seeks to generate income for the country.

Lawmakers and economists, however, have criticized previous versions of the bill for potentially exposing pensioners to higher risks, and for not having strong enough safeguards in relation to its management.

The MIF has been forwarded to Malacanang and waiting for President Ferdinand Marcos’ signature. –

Read more about the proposed Maharlika Investment Fund:

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James Patrick Cruz

Patrick Cruz is a researcher and writer for Rappler’s governance cluster. Before transferring to Rappler's Research team, he covered local governments focusing on Metro Manila.