167 Chinese workers, managers from Bamban POGO deported

Joann Manabat

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167 Chinese workers, managers from Bamban POGO deported

DEPORTED. 167 Chinese nationals who worked for the Philippine offshore gaming operation Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated in Bamban, Tarlac have been deported on Tuesday, May 14.

Courtesy of PAOCC

The deportees will be detained for 45 days upon arrival in Shanghai while charges are being prepared

PAMPANGA, Philippines – A total of 167 Chinese nationals who worked for the Philippine offshore gaming operation (POGO) Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated in Bamban, Tarlac, were deported on Tuesday, May 14.

167 Chinese workers, managers from Bamban POGO deported

Among the deportees are 16 of the 17 suspected managers who were caught in a van during a hot pursuit operation along MA Roxas Highway in Clark Freeport during the raid last March 13, according to the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (PAOCC).

167 Chinese workers, managers from Bamban POGO deported

PAOCC said one of the suspected managers was left in the Philippines as he is criminally charged for qualified trafficking.

The Chinese deportees were bound for Pudong, Shanghai, on board a Philippine Airlines flight. They were accompanied by PAOCC representatives and Philippine National Police Criminal Investigation and Detection Group personnel.

PAOCC spokesperson Winston Casio said the deportees comprised mostly of the fugitives and suspected managers of Zun Yuan. In China, the deportees will be detained for 45 days while criminal charges are being prepared, he said.

“Today’s deportation is a salient proof of the successful collaboration between the Philippine and Chinese governments to put a stop to the scamming activities of errant internet gaming license operators or IGL operators,” said Casio.

“This latest crackdown on errant IGLs shows the resolve of Executive Secretary Lucas Bersamin in his capacity as PAOCC chairman to summarily deport all foreign scammers,” he added.

The Chinese embassy, in a statement posted on their social media on Tuesday, acknowledged the deportation of the Chinese nationals engaged in offshore gambling. It said that the deportation “fully demonstrated the strong determination of the two countries to jointly combat fraud, kidnapping, and other crimes related to offshore gambling.”

Zun Yuan was raided by the authorities led by PAOCC due to alleged human trafficking and serious illegal detention. 

Eight foreigners were charged with alleged violations of Republic Act No. 9208 as amended by 11862 or the Expanded Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2022, and articles 266 and 267 (physical injuries and serious illegal detention) of the Revised Penal Code.

A joint Senate hearing was also held following the raid. Senators Risa Hontiveros and Sherwin Gatchalian questioned Bamban Mayor Alice Guo for her possible involvement with Zun Yuan, Hongsheng, and Baofu Corporation. – Rappler.com

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