aviation accidents

5 Filipinos hurt in Singapore Airlines turbulence incident

Michelle Abad

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5 Filipinos hurt in Singapore Airlines turbulence incident

RELIEF FLIGHT. Stranded passengers from Singapore Airlines flight SQ321 wait for a relief flight after an emergency landing at Suvarnabhumi International Airport in Bangkok, Thailand, May 21, 2024, in this picture obtained by Reuters.


The five Filipinos, who include parents and their baby, are all in stable condition, according to the Department of Migrant Workers

MANILA, Philippines – The five Filipinos who were onboard the Singapore-bound flight that made an emergency landing in Bangkok on Tuesday, May 21, sustained injuries, the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) said on Wednesday, May 22.

5 Filipinos hurt in Singapore Airlines turbulence incident

The aircraft flying from London to Singapore diverted to Bangkok on Tuesday after experiencing severe turbulence. The five, who were among the more than 140 aboard Singapore Airlines flight SQ321, are in stable condition.

The DMW’s Migrant Workers Office (MWO) in Singapore said a mother, father, and their baby were three of the five injured Filipinos. The mother is a Filipino nurse based in the United Kingdom, while the father had no record of being an overseas Filipino worker (OFW).

The fourth passenger was a female Singapore-based OFW working in the information technology sector, while the fifth also had no record as an OFW.

Upon landing in Bangkok, the five were taken to various hospitals where they received treatment for the injuries they sustained. The OFW based in Singapore was reported to have suffered a neck fracture.

All five were in stable condition as of Wednesday evening, including the tech worker and the infant. However, the MWO said doctors continue to closely observe the tech worker, as her condition is also “sensitive.”

“MWO-SG and the Philippine embassy in Bangkok will monitor their condition until they are discharged and can continue their journey,” the DMW said.

In an earlier statement on Wednesday, the Philippine embassy in Singapore said it was coordinating with relevant authorities to ensure the Filipinos’ welfare.

The Boeing 777-300ER plane diverted to Bangkok after the plane experienced extreme turbulence that flung passengers and crew around the cabin, slamming some into the ceiling. The one fatality was a 73-year-old British passenger, who died of a suspected heart attack.

Photos of the plane’s interior showed gashes in the overhead cabin panels, oxygen masks and panels hanging from the ceiling, and luggage strewn around.

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Singapore Airlines chief executive officer Goh Choon Phong condoled with the loved ones of the British passenger. – with reports from Reuters/Rappler.com

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Michelle Abad

Michelle Abad is a multimedia reporter at Rappler. She covers the rights of women and children, migrant Filipinos, and labor.