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FACT CHECK: Link for CHED scholarship program posted by fake DSWD page


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FACT CHECK: Link for CHED scholarship program posted by fake DSWD page
Applications for the Commission on Higher Education’s scholarship and financial assistance programs run annually from March 1 to May 31

Claim: The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) posted an application link for the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) scholarship program for academic year 2023-2024. 

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The claim was made in a November 27 Facebook post, which has 711 reactions, 1,400 comments, and 5,200 shares as of writing. 

The post claims that the CHED is offering scholarships for graduating senior high school students and college students. Students from private colleges and universities can receive up to P120,000 in scholarship benefits, while those in public colleges and universities can receive up to P80,000.

Interested applicants are instructed to click a supposed application link to sign up for the program until December 5. 

The post was made by a Facebook page named “DSWD CASH Assistance,” which has 48,000 followers. The page also has multiple posts promoting the CHED scholarship program.

The facts: The post was made by a fake DSWD page, and the supposed application link does not lead users to the official CHED website.

In a November 28 post on its verified and official Facebook page, the DSWD clarified that the Facebook page that posted the claim is neither related nor connected to the government agency.

“Ang naturang page ay gumagamit ng identidad ng DSWD nang walang pahintulot at nagpapakalat ng mga misleading content patungkol sa programa at serbisyo ng kagawaran pati na rin ng ibang ahensiya,” DSWD stated. 

(The said page uses the identity of the DSWD without permission and spreads misleading content regarding the program and services of the department as well as other agencies.)

CHED statement: In a statement on his Facebook account, CHED chairperson Prospero “Popoy” de Vera said: These fake accounts bear the name and logo of CHED and are promoting application and registration links for CHED scholarships and UniFAST financial assistance.” 

De Vera also belied the supposed application deadline of December 5. 

“On behalf of the Commission, I wish to set the record straight. The application period for scholarship and financial assistance grants offered by CHED per CMO 8, 2019, occurs annually from March 1 to May 31. These grants follow a prioritization scheme to quality and the availability of new slots is contingent on our availability funds,” he added. 

CHED scholarships: CHED offers various scholarship and financial assistance programs. Memorandum Order No. 8, Series of 2019 states that the programs are intended for eligible students enrolled in recognized priority programs of higher education institutions identified by CHED. The availment of the type of scholarships is determined through a ranking system and availability of slots.

Fake pages: Rappler has previously fact-checked several posts from pages and websites posing as the DSWD and CHED, such as those claiming to offer unemployment aid, educational assistance, P7,000 cash aid for people living in poverty, and educational subsidies.

For legitimate information on CHED services, visit its official website and accounts on Facebook and X (formerly Twitter). – Chinie Ann Jocel R. Mendoza/Rappler.com

Chinie Ann Jocel R. Mendoza is a Rappler Intern, under the Research Unit. She is a fourth-year Communication Research student at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines Sta. Mesa Manila.

This fact check was reviewed by a member of Rappler’s research team and a senior editor. Learn more about Rappler’s fact-checking mentorship program here. Keep us aware of suspicious Facebook pages, groups, accounts, websites, articles, or photos in your network by contacting us at factcheck@rappler.com. Let us battle disinformation one Fact Check at a time.

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