Fact checks on health products and scams

FACT CHECK: Error-laden ‘US FDA certificate’ used to promote Kidneys Nano


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FACT CHECK: Error-laden ‘US FDA certificate’ used to promote Kidneys Nano
The Facebook page of Kidneys Nano promotes the product using a fake certificate that lacks key details and bears an expiration date of December 2020

Claim: Kidneys Nano, an effervescent tablet claimed to treat kidney stones, is certified by the Food and Drug Administration.

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The Facebook post containing the claim has over 4.7 million views, 39,000 reactions, and 7,300 comments as of writing. 

Not registered: As of writing, Kidneys Nano is not on the Philippine Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lists of registered food and drug products.

The product is also not in the database of US FDA-approved drug products.  

Full of discrepancies: The Facebook page “Kidneys NANO – Alisin Ang Mga Bato Sa Bato” promotes the product by using an alleged certificate from the US FDA which was shown in a separate post. 

However, a closer inspection of the certificate shows discrepancies in details such as the lack of an Owner Operator Number and a list of “devices” that are unrelated to kidney disease treatment such as face mask, non-surgical isolation gown, surgical cap, and surgical suit. 

The certificate also bears an expiration date of December 31, 2020 – three years before the Facebook page posted the certificate in July 2023.  

The alleged certificate also used the US FDA logo. According to the US FDA website, the logo is only for the “official use” of the agency and “cannot be used by the private sector” including grantees, vendors, and contractors.

The US FDA warns the public to watch out for products that promise immediate results. Kidneys Nano claims to deliver effective results after just “7 days of use.”

Previous false claims: Rappler has fact-checked similar claims on products claiming to be registered or approved by the FDA:

– Lorenz Pasion/Rappler.com

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