House of Representatives

Badoy also cited in contempt for lying during House inquiry

Kaycee Valmonte

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Badoy also cited in contempt for lying during House inquiry
Manila 6th District Representative Bienvenido Abante cites Lorraine Badoy of SMNI in contempt for 'acting in a disrespectful manner' after she 'was found lying'

MANILA, Philippines — Hours after citing Jeffrey “Ka Eric” Celiz in contempt, the House of Representatives also zeroed in on Lorraine Badoy, likewise citing her in contempt for her “refusal to answer any relevant inquiry“ of the panel on Tuesday, December 5.

Like her Sonshine Media Network International (SMNI) co-host, Badoy will be detained until the legislative franchises committee report is adopted at the plenary.

It was Manila 6th District Representative Bienvenido Abante who moved to cite the former National Task Force to End Local Communist Armed Conflict (NTF-ELCAC) spokesman in contempt. Prior to this, Abante also confronted Badoy during the hearing as he was also among the subjects of her previous red-tagging.

Abante cited her in contempt for “acting in a disrespectful manner” after she “was found lying.”

Badoy confused lawmakers on the status of her employment with the network.

“Because Madame Badoy said has admitted that she is not a block-timer and that she is not paying any dues to SMNI, therefore she is part of the company,” Abante concluded in his manifestation.

‘Conflicting’ statements

While Badoy is merely a talent at the network, she also “co-produces” the show she appears on. However, it was also revealed during the hearing that it was SMNI which provided the resources – such as the equipment – for the show.

In questioning how the network earned revenues, Badoy and SMNI’s legal officer, Mark Tolentino, gave different answers as to the number of sponsors of her show. The SMNI anchor said the show had three advertisers, while Tolentino said it had none.

“We already cited an individual in contempt earlier for failing to provide the information that the committee requires,” Deputy Majority Leader David Suarez warned Badoy.

“To SMNI right now, again [you’re on] very, very thin ice.”

Badoy, Celiz, and SMNI are currently in hot waters after airing an unconfirmed report on House Speaker Martin Romualdez’s travel expenses this year. Celiz, citing an unnamed source from the Senate, said Romualdez spent well over P1.8 billion. Later it was revealed that Romualdez only spent P4.347 million.

Celiz was detained by lawmakers for refusing to name who gave him the information, invoking the Sotto law that protects journalists from disclosing their sources. –

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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.