DILG proposes extension of devolution transition to 2027

James Patrick Cruz

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DILG proposes extension of devolution transition to 2027

POST-SONA. DILG Undersecretary for Local Government Marlo Iringan attends the post-SONA panel discussion on July 26, 2023.

Based on then-president Rodrigo Duterte's executive order, the responsibility of delivering basic services should be completely transferred from the national government to local governments by 2024

MANILA, Philippines – The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) recommended that the period of devolving more responsibilities from national agencies to local governments be moved from 2024 to 2027. 

“We recommended that it will be extended to 2027 in order to give ample time for local government units to beef up to increase their capacities and their capabilities in terms of the resources in terms of the funds they have, and the technical expertise in the men and women of the LGU,” DILG Undersecretary for Local Government Marlo Iringan said in a post-State of the Nation Address (SONA) briefing on Wednesday, July 26.

Iringan said the extension would allow the creation of offices that would deliver the functions and services devolved to the local governments. 

This recommendation came after President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said in his SONA that the required LGU devolution transition plans were almost done.

According to Iringan, the successful integration of the devolved functions and services would rely on the priority development requirements, resources, and capabilities of the local government units.

Iringan said that programs, projects, and activities that would require huge funds, specialized technical expertise of local government functionaries, and best implemented through “economies of scale” should be implemented by the national or provincial government.

The undersecretary recognized the different capacities and challenges faced by different local governments.

Last May, Marcos said he would release an executive order by the end of 2023 to clarify the division of functions between the national and local governments in relation to the Mandanas-Garcia ruling. This said decision increases the internal revenue allotment of local governments.

The ruling came into effect in January 2022, and the transition is anticipated to be fully implemented by 2024.

While a higher portion of the budget seems to be promising, this also means larger responsibilities for local governments given the executive order of then-president Rodrigo Duterte

This was heavily criticized because it puts poorer local governments in a disadvantageous position. – Rappler.com

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James Patrick Cruz

Patrick Cruz is a researcher and writer for Rappler’s governance cluster. Before transferring to Rappler's Research team, he covered local governments focusing on Metro Manila.