Philippine labor

LIST: Wage hike bills to be tackled by House

Kaycee Valmonte

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LIST: Wage hike bills to be tackled by House

WAGE. In this file photo, workers march to the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity Board NCR office in Manila to call for an increase in the daily minimum wage, on March 21, 2023.


'We want the wage measure to be equitable and considerate of diverse economic conditions throughout the country,' says Marikina 2nd District Representative Stella Quimbo

MANILA, Philippines – The House of Representatives will finally sit down and discuss the nine proposed measures seeking to increase wages across the country on Wednesday, February 28.

Matagal na natengga ang wage bills dito sa kamara (Wage bills have long been suspended in the House),” Gabriela Representative Arlene Brosas said in a press conference on Thursday, February 22.

Ini-expect natin the current House will make moves kasi matagal na eh. Nakapasa na sa Senado, tayo na lang hinihintay (We expect the current House to make moves because it’s been a long time coming. The measure already passed in the Senate, they just are waiting for us to),” she added.

The Senate on Monday, February 19, unanimously approved on third and final reading the bill that seeks to give a P100-daily increase to minimum wage earners in the country. (READ: CONTEXT: Can a P100 daily wage increase hurt the poor?)

Some House lawmakers have raised concern that implementing salary increases would need further studies. Iloilo 1st District Representative Janette Garin noted that while the meager P100 daily increase would not be of a big help considering the rising prices of commodities, there might be smaller businesses that may not be able to afford the salary hike. (READ: Can the Philippines afford a P100 national minimum wage hike?)

Meanwhile, Marikina 2nd District Representative Stella Quimbo said that a P100-hike for workers nationwide may not be enough for some as the cost of living varies from area to area.

“We want the wage measure to be equitable and considerate of diverse economic conditions throughout the country,” Quimbo said on Wednesday.

Here’s a rundown of the bills that are on the agenda of the House labor and employment committee.

House Bills 514 and 7871
  • Proposal: The bills seek a P150 across-the-board daily wage increase implemented for employees in the private sector.
  • Filed by: HB 514 was filed by Cavite 1st District Representative Ramon Jolo Revilla III, while HB 7871 was filed by TUCP Representative Raymond Democrito Mendoza.
  • Status: HB 514 has been pending with the committee since July 26, 2022, and HB 7871 since May 8, 2023.
House Bill 7568
  • Proposal: The bill seeks a P750 across-the-board daily salary increase for all employees in the private sector “regardless of employment status and position of workers and regardless of the industry classification and location of the enterprise.”
  • Filed by: It was filed by the Makabayan bloc – Gabriela Representative Arlene Brosas, ACT Teacher’s Representative France Castro, and Kabataan Partylist Representative Raoul Manuel.
  • Status: HB 7568 has been pending with the committee since March 15, 2023.
House Bill 525
  • Proposal: The bill is proposing a P750-minimum wage for all workers in the country, with “succeeding increases [to] be determined by the Secretary of Labor and Employment.” The rate applies to all workers, from those with regular employment, casual employees, and contractual workers.
  • Filed by: The bill was filed by Kabayan Partylist Representatives Ron Salo.
  • Status: HB 525 has been pending with the committee since July 26, 2022.
House Bills 1111, 3308, and 4898
  • Proposal: The bills seek to implement a national minimum wage, with HB 1111 proposing that it be based on factors in Metro Manila, to ensure that workers get equal pay regardless of where they are in the country.
  • Filed by: HB 1111 was filed by Pangasinan 5th District Representative Ramon Guico Jr., Cagayan 3rd District Representative Joseph Lara, and Abono Representative Robert Raymund Estrella. HB 3308 was filed by Camarines Norte 1st District Representative Josefine Tallado, while HB 4898 was filed by the Makabayan bloc.
  • Status: HB 1111 has been pending with the committee since July 27, 2022, HB 3308 since August 10, 2022, and HB 4898 since September 20, 2022.
House Bill 4471
  • Proposal: The bill is floating two rates – a P750-minimum daily wage for workers based in Metro Manila and P550 for employees working in other areas in the country. The rates apply to all employees in the private sector, regardless of employment status. Salary increases will be determined by the labor secretary.
  • Filed by: Bukidnon 3rd District Jose Maria Zubiri Jr. filed the bill.
  • Status: HB 4471 has been pending with the committee since September 12, 2022.
House Bill 1579
  • Proposal: Instead of having a minimum wage set by the Regional Tripartite Wages and Productivity boards (RTRPBs) based on factors in specific regions, the bill is proposing that salaries be determined “on a per industry basis.” This means that professionals working in the same sector will be paid equally, regardless of where they work in the Philippines. The bill is proposing to abolish the RTWPB and have the National Wages and Productivity Commission to determine rates instead.
  • Filed by: Tingong representatives Yedda Marie Romualdez and Jude Acidre
  • Status: HB 1579 has been pending with the committee since August 2, 2022


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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.