Quezon City

Quezon City traffic enforcer dies after saving pedestrian

Michelle Abad

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Quezon City traffic enforcer dies after saving pedestrian

A. BONIFACIO. A. Bonifacio Avenue in a photo released on February 14, 2023.

Quezon City Government

The Quezon City local government salutes the 'bravery and heroism' of traffic enforcer Jeffrey Antolin, who pushed a pedestrian out of harm's way when a truck driver reportedly failed to follow hand signals

MANILA, Philippines – A traffic enforcer in Quezon City died on Wednesday, March 22, after saving the life of a pedestrian, the QC local government unit (QC LGU) announced on Thursday, March 23.

The LGU said it salutes the “bravery and heroism” of traffic enforcer Jeffrey Antolin who went “above and beyond the call of duty” when he sacrificed his life to save a pedestrian crossing A. Bonifacio Avenue on Wednesday afternoon, March 22.

Antolin was on duty as a personnel of the Quezon City Traffic and Transport Management Department directing the heavy volume of traffic in the area, when a crossing pedestrian was about to get hit by a loaded trailer truck. The QC LGU said that the truck driver failed to follow the hand signals of Antolin.

“Antolin quickly reacted by pushing the pedestrian out of harm’s way, but unfortunately was himself hit and run-over by the trailer truck. TE (traffic enforcer) Antolin was immediately rescued from under the trailer truck, given first aid, and rushed to MCU Hospital. However, he was pronounced dead on arrival,” Quezon City Mayor Joy Belmonte said in a statement.

The truck driver is set to face charges of reckless imprudence resulting in homicide.

Belmonte expressed the Quezon City government’s condolences with Antolin’s family and loved ones, and that the LGU would provide all needed assistance.

“We will also ensure that the trailer truck driver, owner, or whomsoever is found responsible, will be held accountable and penalized to the fullest extent of the law. Moreover, the city government shall pursue all efforts to ensure the safety of the pedestrians in the area,” said Belmonte.

“The supreme sacrifice and heroism of TE Antolin serves as an inspiration to everyone in the Quezon City Government. We thank him and his family for his service to the people of Quezon City,” Belmonte added.

Quezon City, the most populated city in the Philippines, is also the city in Metro Manila with the most road crashes, according to the Metropolitan Manila Development Authority. In 2021, Quezon City recorded a total of 21,978 road crashes – 130 of which were fatal. – Rappler.com

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Michelle Abad

Michelle Abad is a multimedia reporter at Rappler. She covers the rights of women and children, migrant Filipinos, and labor.