House of Representatives

Pantaleon Alvarez to face House ethics committee on May 16

Kaycee Valmonte

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Pantaleon Alvarez to face House ethics committee on May 16

ETHICS. Former House Speaker Pantaleon Alvarez is facing allegations of making libelous remarks, "habitual absences" as congressman, and making seditious statements.

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The investigation was triggered by the former House Speaker's call urging the military and the police to withdraw support for the Marcos administration

MANILA, Philippines – Davao del Norte 1st District Representative Pantaleon Alvarez will face the ethics committee on Thursday, May 16, following a complaint filed by Tagum City Mayor Rey Uy.

“We already filed our answer this morning and, yes, I will be attending the hearing scheduled,” the embattled former House Speaker told Rappler on Monday, May 13.

However, Ako Bicol Representative Raul Angelo “Jil” Bongalon said in a press conference on Monday that the House Committee on Ethics and Privileges has yet to receive a response from Alvarez.

Uy filed an ethics complaint against Alvarez on May 3, alleging that the lawmaker has three infractions: making libelous remarks against fellow public officials in Davao del Norte, his “habitual absences” as congressman, and making seditious statements.

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House committee hearing on ethics complaint vs Alvarez to be held mid-May

House committee hearing on ethics complaint vs Alvarez to be held mid-May

His colleagues at the lower chamber earlier warned him that urging the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) to withdraw their support for the administration may be seditious. Alvarez, now an ally of Rodrigo Duterte, made this call during a rally hosted by the ex-chief executive on April 14. (READ: DOJ orders probe into Alvarez’s call for AFP to abandon Marcos)

Alvarez later apologized and said he merely got carried away by his emotions as he felt strongly about how the Marcos administration handles the situation in the West Philippine Sea.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has reversed the pro-China foreign policy of Duterte and has strengthened the country’s alliances with its traditional allies like the US and Japan.

Meanwhile, Bongalon said the committee invited Uy and other complainants to attend the investigation.

If Alvarez is found guilty, the committee may sanction the congressman, including the possible suspension for not over 60 days and even expulsion from the lower chamber.

Pantaleon Alvarez to face House ethics committee on May 16

“The committee is just recommendatory when it comes to the sanctions or penalties to be imposed and again, it is the plenary, or the House should vote to approve or disapprove as to the recommendation… whatever it is,” said Bongalon, who is vice chairperson of the committee. –

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Kaycee Valmonte

Kaycee Valmonte is a multimedia reporter who covers politics in the House of Representatives and public health.