US basketball

Mavs coach Jason Kidd abandons press conference after spat with reporter


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Mavs coach Jason Kidd abandons press conference after spat with reporter

SIDELINE SUCCESS. Dallas Mavericks head coach Jason Kidd gestures from the bench.

Geoff Burke/USA TODAY Sports/Reuters

Former NBA star and Dallas coach Jason Kidd calls out the media for the lack of coverage on the Mavericks' success this season, compared to last campaign’s struggles with the then new Luka Doncic-Kyrie Irving pairing

Dallas Mavericks coach Jason Kidd cut his press conference short after criticizing the media for being negative about the team following their hard-fought victory over the Houston Rockets on Tuesday, November 28.

The Mavericks turned around a nine-point deficit during the second half with the duo of Luka Doncic and Kyrie Irving playing crucial roles in the 121-115 win, both scoring 41 and 27 points respectively.

“I think maybe some things that you guys thought should have happened from day one, is that they should be successful right off the bat. But it takes time,” said Kidd, who is in his third season with Dallas.

“It’s not a bad thing to fail for an athlete, because you can get better and learn from it. And those two (Doncic and Irving) are the best in the world. And we feel very comfortable when those two have the ball.

“Sometimes it goes in, sometimes it doesn’t. But we learn from it… They’re one of the best, if not the best in crunch time.”

Kidd called out the media for the lack of coverage on the Mavericks’ success this season, as they sit third in the Western Conference with 11 wins, compared to their struggles last campaign when they finished 11th.

“You guys wanted to make a big deal about last year, but you’re not making a big deal about it this year because shit’s going good, right? So write some positive shit,” the former NBA star said.

“You know it is all right to write positive stuff. Some people will read your positive shit. You don’t always have to be negative, right? The world is already negative enough, right?

“So let’s see some positive stuff on some positive people that are playing, doing their job on a nightly basis.” –

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