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Rappler joins calls to #FreeAJStaff

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 Image from @malonebarry

Rappler joined calls for the Egyptian government to release the staff members of Al Jazeera. The convictions of the 3 journalists are unjust and detrimental to freedom of expression. On June 23, an Egyptian court convicted 3 Al Jazeera journalists of aiding the now illegal Muslim Brotherhood and “reporting false news.” Australia’s Peter Greste and Egyptian-Canadian Mohamed Fadel Fahmy were each sentenced to 7 years, while Egyptian producer Baher Mohamed was given 2 sentences – one for 7 years and another for 3 years. Amid mounting pressure on Egypt to pardon the journalists, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said that he “will not interfere in judicial matters.” Sisi cannot legally pardon the convicted journalists until a final court ruling after an appeal.

Read the full story on Rappler.

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