
[Science Solitaire] Is there an app to…

Maria Isabel Garcia

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[Science Solitaire] Is there an app to…
Is there an app for facts to sway? So they will not be cold facts and figures we push away?

Is there an app to find time?

I looked everywhere

Asked for documents, journals and codes

Everyone was in it but no one could find it.

Is there an app to change the skies?

So it could shapeshift to match my desires

Coaxed it with cascades of hearts and likes

Everyone was under it but no one knew they could enrage it.

Is there an app for grief to turn?

So it could reveal silver linings we imagine we earned

Crowded the net with tearful emoticons

Everyone saw it but grief said ‘I am not something you vote on.”

Is there an app for facts to sway?

So they will not be cold facts and figures we push away

We bottom our energies busting myths and trolls

But everyone thinks that if it is in their head, it is a fact out to roll.

Is there an app to make me think twice?

Before I give in to my easiest yet darkest desires?

Everyone posts but “loneliness” is now, more than ever, 

the world’s most popular host.

Is there an app for my lost friends and family to be?

There is a gaping hole in my soul where they used to be.

You and me, dead or alive can now be animated even for free

But even if I do that, why can’t I track you inside me as it used to be?

Is there an app for nature to say “no”?

We never give it a chance to say “I don’t think so.”

No scale of “Meta” can make up for the loss of “terra”

There is none and never will there be, an avatar for natura.

Is there an app to track your own truth?

So you walk your talk and adjust either if it does not make you better?

Social media is a phenomenal landfill of images and words

Everyone can dump them but not everyone can sift through them.

Is there an app to paint each of our souls?

Portraying us in untrackable twists and turns

Tiktoks, YTs, FBs, Kumus and Zooms only take a snapshot

Is a “view” enough of a nod to acknowledge a soul?

Is there an app to predict your tomorrow

So that you can root yourself today and still get on time’s arrow

In the over 200,000 years of human bravado

Our best and only bet is still EACH OTHER  to get to our next morrows.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, readers. –

Maria Isabel Garcia is a science writer. She has written two books, “Science Solitaire” and “Twenty One Grams of Spirit and Seven Ounces of Desire.” You can reach her at

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