Business Sense

WATCH: Butterboy blends queerness and business 

Ralf Rivas
WATCH: Butterboy blends queerness and business 
Butterboy owners Hilder Demeterio and Jayson So discuss the colorful intersection of queerness and business, and hint at potential expansion plans

MANILA, Philippines – If you want to experience the drag brunch and croissants of Butterboy, you need quick fingers to type in your reservation. Seats are limited and they sell out easily.

That just proves how cultivating queer art and ensuring a safe space for it can be profitable.

But even as the spectacle of drag and the strong support of the LGBTQ+ community do help in revenue growth and marketing, Butterboy owners Hilder Demeterio and Jayson So caution against banking solely on queerness to sell a product.

“Queer business owners should be careful not to bank on their queerness alone…. You’re selling a product and you should make sure the product is the best thing you can offer…. Use your business to promote the community and don’t use the community to promote your business,” Demeterio told Rappler’s Business Sense.

As for their future plans, they intend to expand somewhere “in the south” and are looking for a spot to set up a new branch.

Butter living, Parañaque, anyone? –

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Ralf Rivas

A sociologist by heart, a journalist by profession. Ralf is Rappler's business reporter, covering macroeconomy, government finance, companies, and agriculture.