music festivals

Fête de la Musique PH announces dates for 2024 edition

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Fête de la Musique PH announces dates for 2024 edition

Fete de la Musique PH

Mark your calendars for Fête de la Musique's 30th anniversary celebration!

MANILA, Philippines – Mark your calendars, music lovers, as Fête de la Musique Philippines has just announced official dates for its 2024 edition!

In a press release, the annual music, arts, and culture festival, also known as World Music Day, shared that its main stage will take place on June 21 at Greenbelt 3 in Makati City.

Aside from this, several independently produced pocket stages will be held on June 28 in Poblacion, Makati City.

As this year is Fête de la Musique Philippines’ 30th anniversary, you can already expect that the festivities won’t end there. There will also be “Destination Stages” mounted across different parts of the country, like Baguio, Siargao, El Nido, Siquijor, and more.

As of writing, however, official dates for these locations have yet to be revealed to the public.

The featured artists, which organizers said will be a mix of established and up-and-coming acts, also have yet to be announced.

Fête de la Musique is a yearly, free-of-charge, music, arts, and culture festival organized by the Alliance Française de Manille, in partnership with the Embassy of France to the Philippines, B-Side Productions, and Funkybeat Entertainment. The World Music Day celebration made its post-COVID-19 lockdown return in 2022.

Last year’s Fête de la Musique took on the theme of MerSea, where OPM acts like Lola Amour, ena mori, Of Mercury, Gabba, and Blaster and The Celestial Klownz, among others, lent their talents to the celebration’s main stage.

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