beauty queens

Here’s a closer look at Michelle Arceo’s ‘waling-waling’ national costume for Reina Hispanoamericana

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Here’s a closer look at Michelle Arceo’s ‘waling-waling’ national costume for Reina Hispanoamericana

ALV Pageant Circle's Instagram

Michelle is competing in hopes of taking home the Philippines’ second Reina Hispanoamericana crown

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine bet Michelle Arceo stunned pageant fans with her national costume for the Reina Hispanoamericana pageant, a look that drew inspiration from local waling-waling flowers. 

In an Instagram post on Monday, January 22, the beauty queen shared a closer look at the ensemble designed by Chino Christopherson. 

According to Arceo, her national costume “embodies the essence of the “Queen of Philippine flowers.” Her ensemble is also heavily inspired by carnivals and the Victoria’s Secret fashion show wings. 

Her costume features a skin-tone bodysuit embellished with rhinestones, crystals, Japan-cut beads, and tassel accents. The overall look is completed by a silver headpiece with large, spray-painted orchids that traverse from her head to her back. 

“This costume not only reflects the magnificence of the waling-waling but also pays homage to the biodiversity and cultural richness of my country,” Arceo added. 

The Reina Hispanoamericana competition is the second time for Arceo to represent the Philippines on the international pageant stage. In 2022, she finished as first runner-up in the Miss Environment International pageant. 

In the same post, she also asked pageant fans to vote for her at the Reina Hispanoamericana app so she can secure a spot in the top 12. 

Meanwhile, the coronation night for the Reina Hispanoamericana pageant is set for January 28 in Bolivia. Peru’s Arlette Rujel will be crowning her successor. 

Arceo is vying to take home the Philippines’ second Reina Hispanoamericana crown, following Winwin Marquez’ triumph in 2017. The pageant is a competition which celebrates Hispanic heritage, culture, and language. –

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