
Playwright and director Floy Quintos dies at 63

Juno Reyes

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Playwright and director Floy Quintos dies at 63

Floy Quintos' Facebook

(1st UPDATE) Notable personalities and organizations mourn the passing of a giant of Philippine theater

MANILA, Philippines – Playwright and director Floy Quintos died on Saturday, April 27, due to a heart attack, his family announced in a Facebook post.

“It is with the heaviest of hearts that I, on behalf of my family, announce that Floy Quintos, esteemed playwright and director, but more importantly beloved brother, son, uncle, cousin, nephew, and friend, has returned to the arms of the Lord. He passed suddenly in the ER from a heart attack this morning,” his family member Celina Quintos wrote in a Facebook post, on behalf of the Quintos family.

The family asked for “prayers, love, and support” as they process the award-winning playwright’s death.

According to Celina’s post, his family is still making arrangements for his wake, which is set to be held at the Arlington Memorial Chapels.

“Floy Quintos was a beacon of Philippine culture and the arts, but also shone so much firelight for the people closest to him. The country, the world, and our home are much darker with this light snuffed out too soon. We hope to share our light with each other through this time,” his family added.

Celebrities, groups, creatives pay tribute to Quintos

Numerous organizations and notable personalities paid tribute to Quintos and his contributions to Philippine film and theater.

Historian Xiao Chua shared in a Facebook post that Quintos was the first to make him cry through his play St. Louis Loves Dem Filipinos, and did not expect that he would be able to work with the playwright years later on several occasions.

Actors Pinky Amador and Cedrick Juan also shared some of their fondest memories with Quintos.

In a Facebook post, Amador recounted that Quintos had written a one-woman play for her. She also said that she will always treasure his “constant support and friendship.”

Meanwhile, Juan shared a snippets of his online conversations with Quintos, where the playwright offered him advice and words of encouragement after his performances.

Dulaang Unibersidad ng Pilipinas (DUP) also mourned the loss of Quintos, who had written several plays that the performing arts organization had staged in the past.

Ateneo Press also stated that they were “one with the community” in mourning Quintos’ passing.

Quintos was the creative mind behind several Palanca Award-winning plays, such as Fluid, Evening at the Opera, Suor Clara, and Collection, to name a few. He had also served as the screenwriter for the films Darna! Ang Pagbabalik, Waiting, and Koronang Itim.

His most recent play, titled Grace, is set to be staged from May 25 to June 16.


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Juno Reyes

Juno Reyes is a Life & Style and Entertainment multimedia reporter covering local music and art.