education in the Philippines

Dagupan school among top 3 finalists for World’s Best School Prize

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Dagupan school among top 3 finalists for World’s Best School Prize

Bonuan Buquig National High School

Here's how you can help Bonuan Buquig National High School in Dagupan, Philippines, win the top prize

MANILA, Philippines – With its efforts to restore lost mangroves, Bonuan Buquig National High School, a secondary public school in Dagupan, has been named one of the top three finalists for World’s Best School Prizes under the Environmental Action category.

Known for its abundance in marine life, Dagupan is home to thousands of fisherfolk. 

Their mangrove initiative aims to reverse the environmental devastation caused by Typhoon Pepeng in 2009. Due to the casualties brought about by the typhoon, locals were forced to dredge rivers, resulting in the death of mangroves in the area. 

In collaboration with the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR), BBNHS sought assistance to learn more about mangrove planting.

Categories in the competition include Community Collaboration, Environmental Action, Innovation, Overcoming Adversity, and Supporting Healthy Lives.

The top three finalists for each of the categories will enter a public voting system to help the judges determine the winner of each prize. Voting is open until October 3 at 7:59 pm and announcement of winners is set on October 20 at 5 pm, Manila time.

A total of $250,000  will be equally divided – giving $50,000 or P2.92 million for each of the five winning schools.

The first ever World’s Best School Prizes was founded by T4 Education. It aims to share the best practices of schools around the world that transform the lives of their students and make a real difference to their communities. – Ryand Ugalde/

Ryand Ugalde is a Rappler intern. He is a Bachelor of Arts in Communication student at the Mariano Marcos State University.

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