aviation accidents

Bodies retrieved from crashed Cessna plane in Isabela


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Bodies retrieved from crashed Cessna plane in Isabela

RETRIEVAL. Authorities carry the bodies of the Cessna 206 victims at the Cauayan airport in Isabela.

Photo from CAAP

The Philippine Air Force deploys a Huey helicopter to retrieve the 6 bodies in Barangay Ditarum, Divilacan town

MANILA, Philippines – Authorities retrieved on Tuesday morning, March 14, the bodies of six persons who died on the Cessna 206 that crashed in Divilacan, Isabela, more than 330 kilometers north of Manila.

INVESTIGATION. Scene-of-the-crime investigators from the Philippine National Police await the arrival of the bodies at the Cauayan airport. CAAP

The plane, with registry number RP-C1174, went missing on January 24 after it took off from the Cauayan airport in the same province. Its wreckage was found only on March 9 by a team of soldiers who were assisted by the indigenous Dumagat residents of Barangay Ditarum in Divilacan.

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) said in a statement on Tuesday that a Philippine Air Force Huey helicopter was deployed to retrieve the bodies. 

MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. The Philippine Air Force Huey helicopter that carried bodies of the Cessna 206 victims undergoes disinfection at the Cauayan airport on March 14, 2023. Photo from CAAP

Representatives from CAAP’s Aircraft Accident Investigation and Inquiry Board remain at the site to  conduct further investigation. – Rappler.com

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