Department of Justice

DOJ summons expelled congressman Arnie Teves over ‘terrorism financing’

John Sitchon

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DOJ summons expelled congressman Arnie Teves over ‘terrorism financing’

LAWMAKER. Negros Oriental 3rd District Representative Arnolfo Teves Jr. in 2021.

House of Representatives

Teves, who is believed to be hiding in Timor-Leste, is directed to file a counter-affidavit during the investigation set between December 13 and 19

CEBU, Philippines – The Department of Justice (DOJ) ordered ex-Negros Oriental representative Arnolfo “Arnie” Teves Jr. to appear in a preliminary investigation on his alleged involvement in financing terrorist activities.

Rappler obtained a copy of the subpoena addressed to Teves on Wednesday, December 13. The document was signed by state prosecutors on November 14.

The National Bureau of Investigation filed a complaint against the ex-congressman for violating Section 4 of Republic Act No. 10168 or “The Terrorism Financing Prevention and Suppression Act of 2012” and Republic Act No. 11479 or “The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020”, specifically financing terrorism and providing material support to terrorists.

Teves, who is believed to be hiding in Timor-Leste, was directed to file a counter-affidavit during the investigation that is scheduled between December 13 and 19.

The ex-congressman has yet to face other charges that have been lodged against him. In August, the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC) designated Teves and 12 others as terrorists.

Lawyer Ferdinand Topacio, Teves’ legal counsel, told reporters that he would represent Teves before the DOJ. –

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