Fact check - gov't services/laws

FALSE: Sign-ups for nationwide free housing program


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FALSE: Sign-ups for nationwide free housing program
There are no reports or announcements of any nationwide free housing program, as of July 2022
At a glance
  • Claim: The government is implementing a “nationwide free housing program,” wherein people may sign up through an unverified link on Facebook.
  • Rating: FALSE
  • The facts: There are no reports or announcements of any nationwide free housing program. Official government processes are made available on their respective websites, not through unverified social media accounts. 
  • Why we fact checked this: Several copy-pasted posts are circulating on social media with the false claim. 
Complete details

Since July 5, several copy-pasted posts encouraging people to sign up for a “nationwide free housing program” through an unverified link have been circulating on Facebook.

According to these posts, this nationwide free housing program is available to all Filipinos who are renting and do not have homes of their own. Some posts also claim that sign-ups are only available from July 5 to 30, 2022. 

This is false. 

As of July 2022, there are no reports or announcements of any nationwide free housing program.  

Official government processes are made available on their respective websites, not through unverified social media accounts.

The National Housing Authority offers a variety of resettlement and low-cost housing programs for government employees and calamity victims, among others, but there are currently no projects similar to a nationwide free housing program. Sofia Guanzon/Rappler.com

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