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FACT CHECK: Nope, the US didn’t give Bell V-280 Valor aircraft as ‘pamasko’ to PH


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FACT CHECK: Nope, the US didn’t give Bell V-280 Valor aircraft as ‘pamasko’ to PH
According to the website of American aircraft manufacturer Bell, the V-280 Valor aircraft is still being developed

Claim: A video shows the Bell V-280 Valor aircraft supposedly given to the Philippines as a Christmas gift.

Rating: FALSE

Why we fact-checked this: The YouTube video containing the claim has over 44,000 views as of writing.

Taken in 2021: The video clip is part of a video first posted by the YouTube channel Defense & Aerospace Report on November 30, 2021. It shows American aircraft manufacturer Bell’s flight demonstration of their V-280 Valor aircraft.

The V-280 aircraft is a long-range assault aircraft currently being developed by Bell. The company’s website shows that the aircraft is in flight testing phase.

No reports from the US gov’t: There are no official announcements from the United States government that the Bell V-280 Valor aircraft was given to the Philippines as a Christmas gift.

The latest news on US military assistance to the Philippines is about Washington’s plan to allocate $100 million in military spending for the Philippines.

However, US Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson made no mention of giving Bell V-280 Valor aircraft to the Philippines during the announcement of the plan to increase foreign military financing to the country. Who knows better than the US envoy? – Lorenz Pasion/Rappler.com

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