bar exams

FULL LIST: 2023 Bar exams passers

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FULL LIST: 2023 Bar exams passers

2023 BAR. In this file photo, examinees arrive as early as 4am at the University of Santo Tomas in Manila, on September 17, 2023, for the first of three days of the Bar Examinations.


Here's the full list of the successful takers of the 2023 Bar Examinations

MANILA, Philippines – After less than three months of waiting, the much-awaited results of the 2023 Bar Examinations were released by the Supreme Court on Tuesday, December 5.

A total of 3,812 examinees successfully passed the exams. Below is the full list of passers.

Ephraim Porciuncula Bie of UST topped the bar with a score of 89.2625%. The rest of the top 20 passers are:

The passing rate of 36.77% was much lower than last year’s 43.37%, where 3,992 examinees passed the test.

Before Christmas, the new lawyers will be officially welcomed in the legal profession. The oath-taking and roll signing of successful examinees will be happening on December 22, at the SMX Convention Center Manila, Seashell Lane in Pasay City. –

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