Christmas in the Philippines

[REFLECTIONS] Leaping for joy

Word and Life Publications

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[REFLECTIONS] Leaping for joy

Despite the rain, thousands of devotees attend the novena mass for the 458th Fiesta Señor, at the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño de Cebu on January 10, 2023.

Jacqueline Hernandez/Rappler

Sixth day, Simbang gabi. Let us open our hearts to welcome Jesus, who is brought to us by his Most Holy Mother to be our Brother, Savior, and Model.

(This series of reflections is courtesy of Word and Life Publications, publisher of ‘Patnubay sa Misa’ at ‘Euchalette.’ Rappler is sharing these reflections for those preparing for Christmas.)

Zepheniah 3:14-18; Luke 1:39-45

There was no doubt about it. Little would be John was ecstatic. Yet unable to see the sunshine, he saw the Light when his cousin’s expectant mother showed up one fine day to help his mother out. Yet incapable of moving about freely out in the open, he was already leaping inside the womb of his mother.

There is room for joy in every imaginable situation or place. One is never out of possibilities to express delight and happiness when one has reason for them. Viktor Frankl knew it long ago. One could be imprisoned in a dark dreary cell, but no one could take away the last bastion of human freedom – the capacity to will oneself to, and find meaning!

Life could be confining in many ways on occasion (or for some, more like always!). We were cooped up for three years during the pandemic. We saw more than just limitations to physical freedom. For many less privileged Filipinos, we were literally bound to our tiny, often dark and poorly ventilated houses.
But there is room for joy and exultation everywhere, every time! Little John had it and expressed it. And how!

He leapt for joy. For good reason. He felt, heard, and “saw” what his mother herself took delight in. “Fear not! The Lord our God is in our midst. Even here. Even now. – Word and Life Publications/

This reflection is part of the Patnubay ng Misa, which can be downloaded at the Word and Life Publications site.

Here are more reflections and stories about Christmas in the Philippines

SCHEDULE: Simbang Gabi, Misa de Gallo 2023 sa mga mall at iba pang pasyalan

SCHEDULE: Simbang Gabi, Misa de Gallo 2023 sa mga mall at iba pang pasyalan

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