
US destroyer, Canadian frigate transit Taiwan Strait – US military


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US destroyer, Canadian frigate transit Taiwan Strait – US military
Taiwan's defense ministry says the two warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait in a northerly direction on the evening of November 1, adding it monitored the movement and the situation was 'normal'

BEIJING, China – The US destroyer USS Rafael Peralta and a Royal Canadian Navy frigate HMCS Ottawa transited the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday, November 1, the US 7th Fleet said in a statement, making their third joint transit in the region since June.

Taiwan’s defense ministry said the two warships sailed through the Taiwan Strait in a northerly direction on Wednesday night, adding it monitored the movement and the situation was “normal.”

China followed and monitored the transit and handled the situation in line with the law and regulations, the People’s Liberation Army Eastern Theater Command said in a statement on Thurday.

The US and Canadian navies made a similar transit in September.

In June, the US navy released a video of what it called an “unsafe interaction” in the Taiwan Strait in which a Chinese warship crossed in front of a US destroyer. Chinese foreign ministry said its military’s measures were completely reasonable, legitimate, and professional and safe.

The US destroyer USS Chung-Hoon and Canadian frigate Montreal were conducting a “routine” transit of the strait in June. – Rappler.com

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