retail industry

Stocking up on what matters: Puregold’s drive to help MSMEs 

Saab Lariosa

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Stocking up on what matters: Puregold’s drive to help MSMEs 
Brand Finance shares the world’s top 500 strongest global brands in their annual Global 500 ranking

MANILA, Philippines – Few things are more quintessentially Filipino than your local sari-sari store. With over 1.3 million of these types in the country, the sari-sari store mirrors the Filipinos’ entrepreneurial spirit and their ability to form strong communities.  And one supermarket has pushed such traits forward, allowing these local businesses to buy goods for less.

Puregold Price Club, Inc. has once again made it to the Most Valuable Filipino Brands list by London-based brand valuation and strategy agency Brand Finance in their annual Global 500 ranking. Every year, Brand Finance evaluates the strength, stature, value, and growth of more than 5,000 brands across 40 industries around the world – and how they compare to their national, international, and local counterparts.

The company has maintained its 9th spot for the second year in a row while gaining a 16% increase in brand value compared to 2023. “This accolade underscores our dedication to providing the best value to our customers through offering high-quality products at competitive prices and exceptional customer service,” Puregold president Ferdinand Vincent Co said in a statement.

How did Puregold manage to come this far? 

It has five key pillars for growth:

  1. More stores: Expanding store network, especially in the provinces, to reach more customers.
  2. More shoppers: Targeting high-potential shoppers through localized promotions, pricing strategies, and mobile stores
  3. Bigger baskets: Encouraging larger purchases through cross-category marketing and joint business plans with key suppliers.
  4. Robust supply chain: Ensuring an efficient supply chain and local assortment for the top stock-keeping units per region.
  5. ESG and Sustainability: Emphasizing good governance, transparency, and environmental stewardship.

Indeed, from providing discounted goods to sari-sari stores and karinderyas to being the retail powerhouse that it is now, Puregold’s growth is proof of its commitment to stocking up on what matters.

Starting small, thinking big

Puregold began operations in 1998 as a multi-channel retailer for local shops and businesses in Mandaluyong. By offering quality goods at bulk rates, the company  helped these businesses save money and thrive.

Coming from their initial success in Mandaluyong and seeing opportunities to expand outside the city, Puregold then decided to replicate the model and soon opened doors to more areas. 

Now with nearly 500 stores in the Philippines, Puregold’s aggressive expansion has turned it into the go-to supermarket not just of local businesses but everyday shoppers looking for big discounts during their grocery runs.  In 2023 alone, Puregold opened 37 new stores and four S&R Warehouse Clubs.   

While Puregold continues to focus on offering a wide selection of quality goods at competitive prices, it has also introduced cost-saving initiatives and sustainability practices to bring more communities together and enable them to empower business. 

The company announced the Hakot Every1 initiative, which offers huge discounts every first day of the month as a way to help Filipinos cope with the rising prices of goods. They’ve also rolled out the Tindahan ni Aling Puring (TNAP) membership program that gives more sari-sari stores access to low-cost merchandise and fresh items.

Every Monday and Wednesday is also Walang Plastik Grocery Days in Puregold supermarkets, where they award TNAP members with a P1 cashback for every eco bag used and up to P5 in savings for every transaction.

Nearly half of Puregold stores have already phased out single-use plastic bags, opting for more sustainable alternatives like recycled cardboard boxes and eco bags. The company is also working toward achieving 100% LED main lighting in all of its stores.

Delivering for MSMEs and Filipinos

It’s been 25 years since Puregold opened, and its dedication to micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) remains at the heart of its operations by providing affordable quality products and fostering stronger connections with its customers and partners.

In their 2024 Philippines report, Brand Finance shared that “determining brand value starts with customers. They exercise their influence by expressing their preferences.” 

True enough, the recent recognition doesn’t just showcase Puregold’s brand value but also its excellent standing among its peers. –

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Saab Lariosa

Saab Lariosa is a content producer for Rappler’s BrandRap.