beauty pageants

Miss Globe PH Anna Lakrini is 2nd runner-up in 2023 pageant

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Miss Globe PH Anna Lakrini is 2nd runner-up in 2023 pageant

Anna Valencia Lakrini's Instagram

The German-Filipina beauty queen from Bataan is 2nd runner-up, while Malaysia's Manvin Khera wins the Miss Globe 2023 crown

MANILA, Philippines – Miss Globe PH 2023 Anna Valencia Lakrini placed second runner-up during the international pageant’s coronation night on Saturday, November 18, in Tirana, Albania.

The Miss Globe 2023 crown was awarded to Malaysia’s Manvin Khera by Miss Globe 2022 Anabel Payano of The Dominican Republic. Spain’s Katia Agbodo Rodriguez is first runner-up.

Nigeria’s Duru Esther Chidera and USA’s Kirstin Yvonne Bangs placed third and fourth runner-up, respectively.

During the pageant’s Q&A portion, Lakrini was asked: “What is your favorite life motto and why do you choose that?” She responded that her favorite life quote would be to “always enjoy the moment, because you never know when it’s too late.”

“I am very happy that my family is here, actually, because I haven’t seen them in two years. And you know, it’s always important to live in the moment, live because you never know when it’s too late; and I think COVID really showed us to really enjoy each and every single second with family members, loved ones, or just friends,” she said.

Lakrini was hailed Binibining Pilipinas Globe 2023 on May 28 at the Araneta Coliseum. The 25-year-old Filipina-German beauty queen from Bataan – who is also a German teacher and nutritional scientist – lobbies for accessible and affordable nutrition as her main advocacy.

Two Philippine beauty queens have been crowned Miss Globe so far – Ann Lorraine Colis in 2015 and Maureen Montagne in 2021. –

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