southwest monsoon

#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, September 6, 2023

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#WalangPasok: Class suspensions, Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Here is a list of areas where classes are suspended for Wednesday, September 6, due to the southwest monsoon

MANILA, Philippines – Some areas suspended classes for Wednesday, September 6, due to the southwest monsoon or habagat.

This list will be updated once local or national authorities make announcements.

Ilocos Region
  • Pangasinan
    • Basista – preschool to senior high school (public and private)
    • Binmaley – preschool to senior high school (public and private)
    • Calasiao – preschool to senior high school (public and private)
    • Dagupan – preschool to senior high school (public)
    • Lingayen – all levels (public and private)

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