Maguindanao del Sur

Gunman kills Maguindanao del Sur village chief

Ferdinandh Cabrera

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Gunman kills Maguindanao del Sur village chief


A gunman attacks a barangay chairman waiting for his wife alone in a parked car in Shariff Aguak town in Maguindanao del Sur

COTABATO CITY, Philippines – A still unidentified gunman shot and killed a barangay chairman in Shariff Aguak, Maguindanao del Sur, on Tuesday afternoon, March 14.

Police identified the victim as Hadji Basit Zangkala, the barangay chairman of Labu-Labu 2 in Datu Hoffer town, Maguindanao del Sur.

Maguindanao police director Colonel Ruel Sermese immediately created a special investigation task group to focus on identifying suspects and finding out what the motive was so that a case could be filed in court.

The Maguindanao Police Provincial Office said Zangkala was attacked while he was alone in a parked car, waiting for his wife who was buying fruits from a nearby store in Barangay Mother Poblacion, Shariff Aguak town, past 5 pm.

He was rushed to a hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Investigators found seven empty shells near the bullet-riddled body of the village chief.

Datu Hoffer police chief Captain Ramillo Serame said Zangkala was immediately given Muslim burial rites. –

Ferdinandh Cabrera is an Aries Rufo Journalism fellow.

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