South Cotabato

Gun attack at South Cotabato house blessing kills farmers’ leader, 3 others

Rommel Rebollido

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Gun attack at South Cotabato house blessing kills farmers’ leader, 3 others
The victims gather around a table outdoors, sharing jokes and drinks, when bursts of gunfire shatter the celebratory mood during the house blessing

GENERAL SANTOS, Philippines – Authorities have launched a manhunt for a group responsible for a gun attack that killed a local farmers’ group leader and three others during a house blessing in Tantangan town, South Cotabato, on Sunday evening, May 26.

The victims were gathered around a table outdoors, sharing jokes and drinks, when bursts of gunfire shattered the celebratory mood during the house blessing.

The house belonged to the elder brother of one of the victims, local irrigation association head Jerry Yuarata.

When the smoke cleared, four bodies lay sprawled on the ground, and police investigators found 37 empty shells of 5.56mm bullets at the crime scene.

Major Erika Vallejo, Tantangan police chief, identified the three other fatalities as Ronald Vallespin, Argie Villorente, and Marcelo Combiz, all cousins of Yuarata.

Another cousin of the victims, 47-year-old Freddie Reyes, was wounded. Police said he survived by crawling and hiding behind a wall.

Yuarata’s mother, Lita, told investigators she was convinced that her son was the gunmen’s primary target. She said her son had received death threats prior to the brutal attack.

She said she identified the suspected brains behind the attack, and the police were already after him and the other gunmen.

The 49-year-old Yuarata died instantly after being shot in the head.

Before leading a farmers’ group in Tantangan, Yuarata had worked as an overseas Filipino worker. He had decided to return and invest his earnings in farming. –

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