Davao City

Relieved Davao cops report to PNP holding office

Editha Z. Caduaya, Newsline Philippines

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Relieved Davao cops report to PNP holding office

HOLDING OFFICE. The PNP-Davao's Regional Personnel and Accounting Section where relieved police officers have reported on Monday, May 27, 2024.

courtesy of Newsline Philippines

Davao Mayor Sebastian Duterte condemns the relief of the officers, saying it went against 'the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust crucial for effective governance and law enforcement'

DAVAO, Philippines – The relieved officers and personnel of the Davao City Police Office (DCPO) reported to the Philippine National Police’s Regional Personnel and Accounting Section (RPHAS) on Monday morning, May 27, as part of an ongoing investigation. 

The RPHAS office, designed to accommodate at least seven personnel, is now congested with 35 officers and personnel from the DCPO, including relieved city police director Colonel Richard Bad-ang.

The administrative relief of these 35 officers and personnel from the DCPO was procedural and based on the recommendations of the Regional Internal Affairs Service (RIAS), according to a statement from the Philippine National Police Regional Office XI (PRO XI) on Sunday, May 26.

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The move was seen as part of broader efforts to address issues of misconduct and ensure that due process is followed in investigating allegations against police personnel.

One of those relieved from the DCPO jokingly told Newsline, “Kahit na-relieve kami, para na rin kaming isang platoon dito ang commander si Col. Bad-ang. Medyo masikip parang sardinas, pero ma-feel namin ang init ng aming samahan, haha.” 

(Even though we’ve been relieved, it’s like we’re still a platoon here with Colonel Bad-ang as the commander. It’s a bit cramped, like sardines, but we can feel the warmth of our camaraderie.)

In the Sunday statement, Brigadier General Aligre Martinez, PNP-Davao director, said, “It must be noted that this is in accordance with the observance of procedural due process aimed at ensuring transparency and accountability of public officers.” 

However, Davao Mayor Sebastian Duterte condemned the relief of the officers, saying, “The recent actions taken against these relieved personnel contradict the spirit of cooperation and mutual trust crucial for effective governance and law enforcement.” Duterte’s reaction points to potential tensions between local government officials and police authorities.

The relieved police officers and personnel will complete their counter-affidavits today and submit them to the RIAS, the office in charge of investigating the involvement of the police in the death of seven suspected drug pushers in March 2024, days after Bag-ang assumed office. – Rappler.com

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