Kriminal podcast

[PODCAST] Kriminal: The missing sabungeros case
[PODCAST] Kriminal: The missing sabungeros case
In this episode of 'Kriminal,' Rappler crime reporter Jairo Bolledo discusses the case of the missing sabungeros and authorities' efforts to investigate their disappearances

MANILA, Philippines – Sabong (cockfighting) has long been part of Philippine culture. But recently, this pastime turned into a nightmare for sabungeros (cockfighting aficionados) who have gone missing.

Since 2021, many families have come forward to report that their loved ones disappeared – like in the Manila Arena case and the abduction of an e-sabong executive in Laguna. As of December 2022, at least 34 sabungeros are still missing.

In this episode of Kriminal – now a true crime podcast – Rappler crime reporter Jairo Bolledo discusses the missing sabungeros and authorities’ efforts to investigate their disappearances.

Catch the episode on Sunday, February 26, wherever you get your podcasts. –

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