New Year’s day smog over metro disrupts flights


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A thick cloud of smog hovered over Metro Manila morning of Sunday, January 1, following the New Year festivities

Thick cloud of smog hovers over Metro Manila on New Year's day

 MANILA, Philippines – Rappler Voltaire Tupaz captured in these photos the thick cloud of smog which hovered over Metro Manila morning of Sunday, January 1, following the New Year festivities.

Poor visibility resulting from the smog forced transportation authorities to divert flights destined for the Ninoy Aquino International Airport to the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport in Clark, Pampanga.

The flights included Tupaz’ plane whose pilot attempted to land the aircraft twice at around 7 in the morning. The plane had to stay at Clark for about 3 hours until Manila skies were clear again for arriving aircraft.

A number of other flights also got diverted to Clark due to the problem. – Rappler.com

Smog hovers over Metro Manila, disrupting flights

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