West Philippine Sea

Philippines: Crushed corals, discolored seabed where Chinese militia go 

Bea Cupin

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Philippines: Crushed corals, discolored seabed where Chinese militia go 

DAMAGED. Footage from a Philippine Coast Guard underwater survey shows 'visible discoloration' of the seabed in the West Philippine Sea.

Philippine Coast Guard

'The continued swarming for an indiscriminate illegal and destructive fishing activities of the Chinese Maritime Militia in Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal may have directly caused the degradation and destruction of the marine environment in the WPS features,' says the Philippine Coast Guard's spokesperson

MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine Coast Guard on Monday, September 18, said they found extensive damage in the marine environment of the area frequented by Chinese maritime militia. Videos released by Commodore Jay Tarriela, their spokesperson for the West Philippine Sea, show visible discoloration in the coral and “minimal to no signs” of any other forms of marine life. 

The PCG’s statement and videos confirm an earlier report by Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Command (WESCOM) Commander Vice Admiral Alberto Carlos, who said over the weekend they suspected Chinese vessels were illegally harvesting coral in the area. 

“The Philippine Coast Guard fully supports and confirms the report released by the Armed Forces of the Philippines Western Command, exposing the severe damage inflicted upon the marine environment and coral reef in the seabed of Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal,” said Tarriela in a statement. 

The PCG said that between August 9 and September 11, they monitored some 33 Chinese maritime militia boats within the the vicinity of Rozul Reef and some 15 boats near Escoda Shoal. Maritime patrols by the PCG also confirmed the presence of Chinese maritime militia in the two areas, both in the West Philippine Sea or part of the South China Sea within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone. 

“During the same period the PCG launched missions to conduct extensive underwater surveys of the seabed in both Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal. The results of these surveys showed that the marine ecosystem in the subject WPS features appeared lifeless, with minimal to no signs of life,” said Tarriela. 

“Moreover, the surveys conducted in Escoda Shoal revealed visible discoloration of its seabed, strongly indicating that deliberate activities may have been undertaken to modify the natural topography of its underwater terrain. The presence of crushed corals strongly suggests a potential act of dumping, possibly involving the same dead corals that were previously processed and cleaned before being returned to the seabed,” he added. 

During a weekend briefing, Carlos said the AFP suspected the “massive illegal harvesting of coral in the area.” The WESCOM chief added that, while Philippine Navy presence deterred the swarming of militia boats in the area, it was difficult to keep a constant presence in the area, due to “adverse weather conditions and resource limitations.” 

“The continued swarming for an indiscriminate illegal and destructive fishing activities of the Chinese Maritime Militia in Rozul Reef and Escoda Shoal may have directly caused the degradation and destruction of the marine environment in the WPS features. The PCG emphasizes the importance of protecting and preserving our marine environment, which plays a crucial role in sustaining marine life and supporting local communities,” added Tarriela. 

Chinese activities within the Philippines’ EEZ is a recurring concern of the Philippines.

Chinese maritime militia, while technically civilians, have been increasingly shown to get direct orders from the Chinese Coast Guard, especially during attempts to block Philippine ships on missions in the West Philippine Sea. 

President Ferdinand Marcos, during the 2023 East Asia Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, said the Philippines had “[shared] concerns on the militarization of reclaimed features; the dangerous use of coast guard and maritime militia vessels; and other coercive activities.”

Speaking before top officials from Southeast Asia and key allies including the United States, Japan, South Korea, and China, he added: “We are equally alarmed by illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing which are being detected.” – Rappler.com

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Bea Cupin

Bea is a senior multimedia reporter who covers national politics. She's been a journalist since 2011 and has written about Congress, the national police, and the Liberal Party for Rappler.