2022 Philippine Elections

Comelec decommissions Transparency Media Server

Lorenz Pasion

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Comelec decommissions Transparency Media Server

Alecs Ongcal/Rappler

The transparency server received 98.35% of precinct-level results as of May 13

MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Elections (Comelec) said it decommissioned its Transparency Media Servers (TMS) at exactly 3 pm on Friday, May 13.

The Comelec invited all political parties, accredited media organizations, and accredited citizen’s arm covering the 2022 national elections during the decommissioning.

The TMS room was situated at the Quadricentennial Pavilion of the University of Santo Tomas (UST) in España, Manila. The server received the electronically transmitted precinct results from vote counting machines (VCMs) at the close of the voting period on election day. This transmission is considered part of the unofficial tally.

The transparency server received 98.35% of precinct-level results as of Friday, 3:18 pm. In the 2016 national elections, the server only received 96.14% of precinct-level results.

In May 10, supporters of Vice President Leni Robredo raised the allegation that the election results were rigged due to the constant 47% ratio issue observed from the consolidated batch of electoral returns (ER) from its transparency server. 

But Comelec Commissioner Marlon Casquejo said the transmissions from the vote counting machines (VCMs) were from clustered precincts in different locations.

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“In our transparency server, tumatanggap siya ng resulta coming from different clustered precincts, wala iyong tinatawag na balwarte. In the first transmission, iba-ibang lugar ito,” he explained. “Lahat ng clustered precincts in different locations, nagtatransmit papuntang transparency server. If you receive that result, and there will be a percentage lead, most likely, ganoon na rin ang lead when it comes to completing all transmissions.”

(Our transparency server accepts results coming from different clustered precincts. We don’t have what we call transmission by bailiwick. In the first transmission, the results came from different places. Clustered precincts in different locations are transmitting results to the transparency server. If you receive that result, and there will be a percentage lead, most likely, it will stay the same when it comes to completing all transmissions.) – Rappler.com

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Lorenz Pasion


Lorenz Pasion

Lorenz Pasion is a researcher at Rappler and a member of its fact-check team that debunks false claims that spread on social media.