Philippine National Police

PNP relieves all 50 cops of Bamban police station

Joann Manabat

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PNP relieves all 50 cops of Bamban police station

Bamban Municipal Police Station

Bamban Municipal Police, Tarlac PPO Facebook

PNP spokesperson Colonel Jean Fajardo says all 50 police personnel will be investigated by the regional investigation unit of the Police Regional Office- Central Luzon for possible neglect of duty

PAMPANGA, Philippines – All 50 Philippine National Police (PNP) personnel of the Bamban Municipal Police Station were relieved from their duty Tuesday, June 4, as part of the ongoing investigation into the raid of Philippine offshore gaming operation (POGO) Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated in Barangay Anupul of the town, said PNP spokesperson Colonel Jean Fajardo.

PNP relieves all 50 cops of Bamban police station

Fajardo said the whole force, from top to bottom, will be probed by the regional investigation unit of the Police Regional Office- Central Luzon to look into their alleged neglect of duty. 

Bamban’s former chief Major Perfecto de Mayo was the highest ranked among the 50 cops who were relieved. However, Fajardo said, De Mayo was already included among those removed from duty on March 22, following the raid operation at the Baofu compound situated near the Bamban municipal hall.

Major Jessie Domingo replaced De Mayo as the new Bamban police chief. PRO-Central Luzon also immediately fielded the same number of replacement cops.

“Ito yung isa sa mga dahilan kung bakit din sila nirelieve lahat, to give way to the investigation because there are allegations na titignan bakit may existence ng POGO doon, hindi nila namonitor. Titignan natin kung may naging kapabayaan at ito ay para bigyan daan ang investigation,” Fajardo told Rappler in an interview on June 4.

(This is one of the reasons why they were all relieved, to give way to the investigation because there are allegations that we are looking into why there is the existence of POGO there, they did not monitor it. We will see if there has been negligence and this is also to give way to the investigation.)

Fajardo said the relief order of the police personnel was issued prior to the release of the suspension of Bamban Mayor Alice Guo which was announced to the media also on June 3.

The Office of the Ombudsman ordered Guo together with Bamban’s business permit and licensing officer Edwin Ocampo and municipal legal officer Adenn Sigua, to be preventively suspended over complaints of grave misconduct, serious dishonesty, gross neglect of duty, and conduct prejudicial to the best interest of service which were filed by the Department of Interior and Local Government.

“Walang kinalaman yung relief doon sa suspension ni Mayor Alice Guo. In fact nauna nang narelieve bago pa lumabas yung suspension niya. The suspension of Guo is the result of the recommendation of DILG sa Ombudsman. Yung relief, nung June 2 pa. Kahapon pa ginawa yung turnover,” said Fajardo.

(Their relief has nothing to do with the suspension of Mayor Alice Guo. In fact, they were already relieved before her suspension came out. The suspension of Guo is the result of the recommendation of DILG to the Ombudsman. The relief was on June 2. The turnover was yesterday.)

The relieved police were transferred to the Regional Personnel Holding and Accounting unit in Camp Olivas, San Fernando, Pampanga. They will undergo a reorientation and reformation program at the School for Values and Leadership Annex in Subic, Zambales.  –

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