media industry

CNN Philippines website, social media presence erased after closure of operations

Victor Barreiro Jr.

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CNN Philippines website, social media presence erased after closure of operations

CNN PHILIPPINES. The news channel announces on January 29, 2024, the shutdown of its operations.

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The erasure of the CNN Philippines website and its social media presence comes as a blow to its staff and to those archiving the stories and content published by the news group

MANILA, Philippines – Nearly all traces of CNN Philippines’ website and social media presence – including its trove of stories and posts on Facebook and X, have been scrubbed following the news organization’s closure on January 31.

All that remains of CNN Philippines as of writing are the cached search results pointing to the website, which states it is “unavailable” when visited. Aside from this, snapshots of the site remain as archived on The Wayback Machine of The Internet Archive.

The erasure of the CNN Philippines website and social media posts comes as a blow to its staff and to those archiving the stories and content published by the news group.

In a post on X, Lara Tan, former digital executive producer for CNN Philippines, remarked, “Nine years of working for CNN Philippines started and ended on the website and our social media pages to deliver content that is fair, accurate, and balanced. Erased just like that. Allow me to grieve this loss.”

She added, “Sa huli, hindi lang kaming mga empleyado ang talo, kung hindi ang taumbayan.” (In the end, it’s not just us the employees who lose out, but also the people.)

Former correspondent Gerg Cahiles, meanwhile said, “Over a decade of reportage, now gone. As if #CNNPhilippines never existed.”

The closure of CNN Philippines comes after what it called “significant financial losses sustained over the past years, despite rigorous efforts to adapt and innovate in a rapidly evolving and challenging media landscape.” –

CNN Philippines and its financial troubles

CNN Philippines and its financial troubles

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Victor Barreiro Jr.

Victor Barreiro Jr is part of Rappler's Central Desk. An avid patron of role-playing games and science fiction and fantasy shows, he also yearns to do good in the world, and hopes his work with Rappler helps to increase the good that's out there.