COVID-19 vaccines

Duterte’s legal counsel: No need for new law to arrest vaccine deniers | Evening wRap

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Duterte’s legal counsel: No need for new law to arrest vaccine deniers | Evening wRap
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Duterte’s legal counsel: No need for new law to arrest vaccine deniers | Evening wRap

Today on Rappler – the latest news in the Philippines and around the world:

Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo again departs from the views of other lawyers advising President Rodrigo Duterte.  In a statement Wednesday, June 23, Panelo says no new law is required to arrest persons who refuse to get vaccinated from COVID-19.

The health department on Wednesday, June 23, classifies Metro Manila as a ‘low-risk’ area due to its decreasing number of COVID-19 cases.

Manila Mayor Isko Moreno on Tuesday, June 22, teams up with Vice President Leni Robredo for the pilot run of the Vaccine Express, a drive-through vaccination effort for tricycle, pedicab, and delivery drivers.

A report commissioned by the Reuters Institute shows Filipinos believe that the government and politicians are the top sources of misinformation on the coronavirus, with 34% of the sample believing so. –

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