Russia-Ukraine crisis

Danish premier pledges more weapons as she and Spanish PM visit Kyiv


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Danish premier pledges more weapons as she and Spanish PM visit Kyiv

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen pose with Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Olha Stefanishyna during their visit to Kyiv, Ukraine April 21, 2022. Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa/Handout via REUTERS THIS IMAGE HAS BEEN SUPPLIED BY A THIRD PARTY. NO RESALES. NO ARCHIVES.

Moncloa/Borja Puig de la Bellacasa/Handout via REUTERS

Leaders of Denmark and Spain visit Ukraine's capital to meet President Volodymyr Zelenskiy

Denmark’s prime minister on Thursday, April 21, pledged to send more weapons to Ukraine during a trip to Kyiv, where she and her Spanish counterpart Pedro Sanchez were meeting President Volodymyr Zelenskiy in a gesture of support.

Mette Frederiksen also visited the badly damaged town of Borodyanka, which has been retaken after Russian troops pulled back from the region around Kyiv.

“We intend to deliver more weapons to Ukraine because that is what is most needed,” Frederiksen told the Danish channel TV2 as she walked around the town surrounded by armed soldiers.

Frederiksen and Sanchez both arrived in Kyiv early on Thursday, according to footage posted on Sanchez’ Twitter account

Frederiksen’s office said talks with Zelenskiy would focus on further support for the Ukrainians and the prosecution of “war crimes and human rights violations”.

Russia calls its action a “special military operation” to demilitarize Ukraine and eradicate what it calls dangerous nationalists. The West and Kyiv accuse Russian President Vladimir Putin of an unprovoked war of aggression.

Numerous European leaders have travelled to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion to show support for its president and people, more especially since Russia pulled back its forces from northern Ukraine.

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