University of the Philippines

What to expect from the first University of the Philippines-Visayas Fair

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What to expect from the first University of the Philippines-Visayas Fair
This year, the University of the Philippines-Visayas will have its first-ever UP Fair from April 23 to 25

Miagao, Philippines – The UP Fair has been one of the most anticipated events in some University of the Philippines campuses. This year, UP Visayas will have its first-ever UP Fair – that will serve as a celebration of artistry and advocacies combined in one event.

This highly anticipated event is entitled “SILAKBO: The UPV Fair 2024” with the theme, “Hugyaw kang Katilingban kag Pag-himakas Tubtob sa Pang-pungsodnon nga Demokrasya kag Kahilwayan (The clamor and movement of the masses toward  collective democracy and liberation)!” It is a three-day activity scheduled from April 23 to 25, 6 pm to 11 pm, at the UP Visayas Miagao Campus football field. This is open to both students and non-UPV students. 

Here’s what you should know before going to SILAKBO: The UPV Fair 2024.

Advocacy-driven causes

Similar to other campuses, the UPV Fair in Miagao is be cause-oriented. Proceeds from the first day concert will go to the Asian Medical Students Association-West Visayas State University (AMSA-WVSU) chapter’s medical outreach project.

This event is in collaboration with several advocacy groups such PH Pub for Public Health: Project PAWrdise for Animal Welfare, UPV College of Arts and Sciences Student Council (UPV CAS SC) for No To Cha-Cha, and SAMAKAKA-UPV for Wage Hike that will feature their respective booths during the event.

The organizers have also partnered with public transportation drivers of Miagao to help with their income and ensure that audiences from the city can travel back safely by providing them with a means of transportation.

Local artists

During the three-day event, Tumindig at Tumingkad, Tinig Gubat, and SILAKBO Sectors’ Night will take place and will be organized by several student organizations. They will feauture local artists such as The Ridleys, Autotelic, MusikangBayan, DJ Young, and Clyde Ortencio, among others.

You may access the full lineup below:

Ticket pricing

These are the ticket prices for the event:

  • General admission – P350
  • VIP – P450 
  • VVIP – P550 (including meet and greet with the artists)

You may get your tickets at the Lean Alejandro Hall (CUB) or through this link

The following bundle tickets are also available on site at the same venue: 

  • VIP for two nights – P1000
  • General admission for two nights – P650

Meanwhile, there will be free admission on SILAKBO Sectors’ Night, the third and last day of the fair. 

Other things to consider

Before entering the venue, make sure to bring your ticket upon entrance. It is also highly encouraged to support booths and local businesses around the area. To ensure safety, smoking, bringing of sharp objects and alcoholic beverages, and littering are strictly prohibited. 

Organizers also remind attendees to stay hydrated given the heat. – with reports from Allaine Kate A. Leda/

Allaine Kate A. Leda is a Rappler intern from West Visayas State University – Main Campus. She is currently a fourth-year student taking up Bachelor of Arts in Journalism.

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