Davao City

Davao police chief relieved as probe into March drug war killings begins

Dennis Jay Santos

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Davao police chief relieved as probe into March drug war killings begins

RELIEVED. Davao City's police chief, Colonel Richard Bad-ang, is relieved from his post on Thursday, May 23, 2024.

Davao City Police Office Facebook page

The first of the series of killings last March occurred after Davao Mayor Sebastian Duterte warned that he would target those involved in illegal drug activities unless they left the city

DAVAO, Philippines – The chief of police of Davao City has been administratively relieved from his post as the Philippine National Police (PNP) in Southern Mindanao started an investigation into a series of shooting deaths of drug suspects in the city last March.

Davao police chief relieved as probe into March drug war killings begins

Colonel Richard Bad-ang was relieved on Thursday, May 23, less than two months after he assumed command of the Davao City Police Office (DCPO).

Colonel Rolindo Suguilon has been designated by PNP-Davao as the officer-in-charge of the DCPO. At the same time, Suguilon would continue serving as the PNP’s deputy regional director for operations in the Davao Region.

The order was signed by Brigadier General Aligre Martinez, PNP-Davao regional director, following a recommendation from the PNP’s Regional Internal Affairs Service (RIAS) in Southern Mindanao. 

The RIAS has started an investigation into the deaths of seven people, suspected of involvement in the local drug trade, during police operations in Davao City from March 23 to 26.

The first of the series of killings took place a day after Davao Mayor Sebastian Duterte warned that he would go after people engaged in illegal drug activities in the city unless they left the city, a message reminiscent of the pronouncements of his father, ex-president Rodrigo Duterte.

He said, “So this will be your chance to get out of this city. If not, sorry, I’m already telling you right now, get out of here [and] if you’re not going to stop, I’ll kill you.”

The younger Duterte said this as he welcomed Bad-ang as Davao’s new police chief during a turnover ceremony.

Major Catherine Dela Rey, PNP-Davao regional spokesperson, said Bad-ang’s removal aims to ensure an impartial and credible investigation into the deaths of the series of killings last March and would prevent any undue influence on witnesses or tampering of evidence. –Rappler.com

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