Philippine volleyball

‘First scrimmage’: Alas Pilipinas aces opening test amid short prep

Philip Matel

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‘First scrimmage’: Alas Pilipinas aces opening test amid short prep

JOY. Young stars Angel Canino (top left) and Eya Laure (top right) celebrate with their Alas Pilipinas teammates in the AVC Challenge Cup.

Mark Cristino/Rappler

Although hastily assembled, Alas Pilipinas shows it can quickly adjust and showcase its good mix of veterans and young guns right in the opener of the AVC Challenge Cup

MANILA, Philippines — Alas Pilipinas displayed its potential after acing its first game together, getting its way against a fellow young Australian team to kick off its AVC Challenge Cup campaign on Thursday, May 23.

Buoyed by the support of 4,945 boisterous supporters at the historic Rizal Memorial Coliseum, the Philippines claimed a 22-25, 25-19, 25-16, 25-21 victory, led by skipper Jia de Guzman and the soaring Angel Canino.

“[Winning] feels great, knowing especially that we didn’t have a lot of preparations coming here today,” said De Guzman of the team, whose roster was just finalized last week.

‘First scrimmage’: Alas Pilipinas aces opening test amid short prep

“Regardless of what happens, as long as we leave our best on the floor, we’re okay, regardless of result. Thankfully, the win went our way,” the team captain added.

Through her steady and accurate sets, De Guzman consistently found Canino, Fifi Sharma, Thea Gagate, Eya Laure, and Sisi Rondina as the team bounced back from a first-set loss, where the team wilted under pressure.

De Guzman ended up with 9 excellent sets, while Canino and Laure each ended up with a game-high 17 points, followed by Rondina’s 16. 

The veteran setter also credited the players for quickly adjusting after their opening-frame woes, pointing out the great ball reception and net defense against a much taller Volleyroos side.

“I think it was the endgame which was the problem for us, something that we kind of expected, since this was technically our first scrimmage, game situation which we faced,” said De Guzman.

“That’s something we have to build over time.”

Up next for the Philippines is India – the Pool A leader which remains perfect with a 2-0 record – in a 7 pm match on Friday, May 24. –

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