
Teen bowling sensation Zach Ramin banners PH in Bangkok tournament

JR Isaga

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Teen bowling sensation Zach Ramin banners PH in Bangkok tournament

KEEP GRINDING. Filipino teen bowler Zach Ramin holds his follow through after a roll in the Singapore International Open

Singapore Bowling Federation

Zach Ramin, a 17-year-old bowling prodigy, keeps his momentum going after a landmark Singapore tournament title by leading the Philippine contingent in the Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championship in Thailand

MANILA, Philippines – Philippine youth bowling team standout Zach Ramin looks to make more noise as he takes on a new challenge in the Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championship at Bangkok, Thailand from July 4 to 12.

Coming off a landmark win in the Singapore International Open, where Ramin became the youngest and first Filipino male bowler ever to win it all, the 17-year-old prodigy is determined to make the most of his remaining time before going off to mandatory Singaporean military service when he turns 18.

“I am eagerly looking forward to the Asian Youth Tenpin Bowling Championship. It’s a fantastic opportunity to compete against some of the best youth bowlers from different countries,” Ramin, who’s based in Singapore, said in a press release.

“The level of competition will be intense, but I am confident in our team’s abilities. We have trained hard, and we are ready to give our best performance and make the Philippines proud.”

Joining Ramin in his new quest are, like him, some of the country’s best young bowlers, including International Bowling Federation Under-21 Championships medalists Marc Custodio and Stephen Diwa, and local open title-hauler Art Barrientos in the men’s side.

Parallel to these four young strikers are four equally impressive bowlers in the women’s division, namely World Bowling Junior Championship medalist Norel Nuevo, Philippine Open Youth Girls Division champion Dale Lazo, Danielle Escolano, and Kassie Yap.

With Ramin shining bright lights on the path ahead for the next generation of bowlers, Filipina legend and current Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) commissioner Olivia “Bong” Coo has nothing but enthusiasm for what’s in store.

“I was very much impressed because being a bowler myself, and of course, a champion myself, I could see the intensity of his focus,” said Coo of Ramin’s performance in the Singapore Open.

“You have to continue to learn and continue what you need to do to become even better. Whether you are nervous, sad, happy, you should have the exact same routine. It’s the consistency and the ability to deliver,” advised the World Bowling Hall of Famer.

“He was very focused, he did not waver in his delivery, despite the pressure.” –

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