
Building your emergency kit? You might be missing this important item

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Building your emergency kit? You might be missing this important item
Portable power stations should be part of your emergency essentials. Here’s why.

Editor’s note: This content is sponsored and was produced by BrandRap, the sales and marketing arm of Rappler. No member of the news and editorial team participated in the publishing of this piece.

In the Philippines, we often experience power outages both during the summer months and during the rainy days. However, not everyone would like to have generator sets at home or in their small businesses because of its size, pungent smell, and the cost of fuel needed to run it. 

The good news is, we can now have a backup power supply without buying inverter generators. There are now portable power stations or solar battery packs that we can add to our emergency kits. 

Take LordAllen Hernandez, for example. He and his family recently experienced a power outage that lasted for hours but because he has an EcoFlow DELTA 2 portable power station, he was able to power their electric fans, internet modem, and other appliances. Even without power from the grid, their work and life weren’t disrupted because they have a backup power supply that can last for up to 16 hours.

Screenshot from Eco Flow Facebook Community https://www.facebook.com/groups/ecoflowusersgrouph

What is a portable power station and why should you add it to your emergency kit?

Most of us carry power banks around to make sure we’ll never run out of power for our mobile phones. But what if you can also keep a power bank for your home or business? That’s what a portable power station (PPS) can do for you. 

But what exactly is a portable power station? It’s like having your own inverter generator set, except it’s more lightweight and compact, it doesn’t need fuel to run, and it also doesn’t have the noise and unpleasant smell that traditional generators emit. It’s also known as a solar battery pack because you can use solar energy to charge it. 

Just like how generator sets provide backup power supply for homes and businesses, a portable power station can do the same thing. It’s especially helpful during the seasons when power outages are most expected in the Philippines – during the summer and rainy months. It’s ideal to consider adding it to your emergency kits. 

Choosing the right portable power station

How do you choose the kind of portable power station that’s right for your home and business? It depends on how many appliances or gadgets you’re planning to power, how many people are going to use it, and for how long, in case of emergency. 

EcoFlow, an eco-friendly energy solutions company, offers different kinds of portable power stations depending on your needs.

RIVER 2 Series

For those who are new to portable power stations, the RIVER 2 series has a line of three best-in-class entry-level portable power stations under 1kWh. It can power household appliances as big as refrigerators and microwaves and small gadgets like mobile phones and computers. 

Here are the other features:

  • The RIVER 2 series recharges five times faster – on average – than other PPS on the market. The standard RIVER 2 model can recharge from 0 to 100% in just 60 minutes, while the highest capacity model, RIVER 2 Pro, can fully recharge in just 70 minutes.
  • Uses LFP batteries known for their safety, stability, and drop-resistance, weighs as little as 3.5kg, making it easier and safer
  • Supports AC, DC, and solar charging methods 
  • Has a life cycle of about 3,000 times, that’s equivalent to once daily use for almost 10 years

DELTA 2 Series

The DELTA 2 Series is ideal for those who want bigger energy storage since it can store up to 1 to 3kWh of energy. It can power appliances like refrigerators, and gadgets like mobile phones and computers for longer periods of time. 

Here are the other features:

  • The DELTA 2 series can power 90% of your appliances with more than 15 ports that enable the whole family use it at the same time
  • Recharges quickly up to 80% in just 50 minutes
  • Can be used as an emergency power supply to auto-switch to battery power during outages
  • Uses LFP battery that’s safe and built to last for up to 10 years even with daily use

These EcoFlow portable power stations can also be customized and operated using a smart app. You can manage the energy and power flow of the solar battery packs, check the battery health, and other information with your mobile phone. 

These portable power stations are also recyclable so when the time comes that you need to dispose of it, it won’t be added to the landfills. It’s an eco-friendly way to empower your home and business.

We’ll never know when power outages or calamities like typhoons will affect our homes. It’s better to be prepared with a portable power station in your emergency kit to keep your family connected and protected.

Interested in having your own portable power station? You can order online from Lazada or Shopee, and join EcoFlow Users Group Philippines. – Rappler.com

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EcoFlow is a leading eco-friendly energy solutions company with the vision to power a new world. Since its founding in 2017, EcoFlow aims to become a reliable and trusted energy companion for individuals and families across the world, providing accessible and renewable power solutions at home, outdoors, and in mobile spaces. Today, with operational headquarters located in the USA, Germany, and Japan, EcoFlow has empowered more than 2.5 million users in over 100 markets worldwide.